What makes something difficult? I think it's different for different types of activities. For me, it's remembering. I sometimes think I want to do that, but then I get busy and realize I never did. My daily slices are a great example. I had planned to continue to write a slice each day during spring break. However, once I was out of school and did not have my routine writing for the first 30 minutes of school with the kids I would forget. Something would happen to remind me, but it was at odd times. As I was driving up to Iowa to help my mom something sparked my memory, but I couldn't pull the car over and write. Then when I got to my mom's house it was gone already.
So why is it that I forget things, even when I want to do them? Maybe I just have so many things to remember that I can't keep them straight. Perhaps my brain is just full and cannot fit anything new in it, it's like a bucket. My brain is so full that I can't stuff anything more in there or something else will fall out. I don't think that's it, but maybe. I wonder if it's just my makeup. Maybe there is just a part of your brain that is dedicated to rembering things and mine is not as big as other people's. That could be it, I have an area that stores useless trivia and things that nobody would ever need to know and that area is huge. That then makes the area that stores important things, like doing my daily slice or what I am supposed to grab at the store, is very small as a result. I think that's the most likely, but maybe it's just who I am and there really is no explanation.
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