The temperatures over the next 7 days are slowly getting warmer. Does that mean spring is just around the corner? I hope so. What does spring mean to you? To me it means a lot of different things, not just warm weather. For starters it means warmer weather that translates to time outside. Our 4yr old loves to be outside so as the weather gets warmer he wants to go out and play more. He loves to go in the backyard and collect rocks, his favorite being "tongue rocks." He calls them tongue rocks because he can put them in his mouth and have them stick out a bit and they look like tongues. He even built a Lego house for a couple of rocks a month ago. This year spring holds a pretty special place for him because he learned to ride his bike on Christmas Day, I'll save that story for another day. He loves riding his bike and asks to go for a ride even when it's 10 degrees outside.
What does warm weather mean for me personally. Well I also love riding my bike, so it means time for me to get out and ride. I am very excited because I have 1.5 new bikes to ride this year. I updated my gravel road bike with electronic shifting so that's the 1/2 bike. I did get a new mountain bike this winter. I tried a different model last year and didn't like it as much so this year I went back to riding what I had before, an Epic. Warm weather means the trails will dry and I can get out and get on the trails some! One major part of spring for me is that I get very busy. The bike shop I work at gets busier which means more hours on the weekends. I also clean water gardens that my brother and I have installed over the years. Mid-April is the time I usually begin because the water temperature needs to stay at or above 55 degrees. That is a very solitary, messy, & fun job. I usually work with a friend of mine, but with the pressure washer running you can't really talk so we spend an hour or two right next to each other and don't talk. Spring is my second favorite season because it means I get to come out from my winter hibernation! I'm so excited for the warm weather. So I ask again. WHat does spring mean to you?
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